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Thursday, December 06, 2007

flaming tea kettle

We woke up a little bit late this morning. Just tired in these days of so much busy-ness. Rick went in to start the coffee, and to put the kettle on for my tea. I used to drink buckets of coffee, but recently, I think it was in September, I just stopped one day without planning to. Odd. Tea is nice though, and I don't want coffee at all unless it might be a nice Eggnog Latte with a little splash of whiskey in it...

So I could hear that the water was about to boil, and wandered into the kitchen to see the cheery red tea kettle engulfed in flames. Yikes! That's some hot water! Quick - roll up sleeve of bathrobe, snatch kettle out of the flames, turn off burner, grab lid to soup pot to smother fire. You know - I play with fire every day. It doesn't really freak me out too much when stray popcorn bursts into flames.

Two memos from The Universe this morning... 1. It's time to change the liner pans under the burners, and 2. Maybe think about making some teapot beads today.

This is not my tea kettle. I was too busy to stop and do a painting of it. Besides, I don't paint, and my tea kettle is red. I just wanted a picture because pictures are nice in a blog, I think. I found this on an interesting blog called InkTracks. It's about one person's art and process. I've marked it as something to go back to. An added bonus to the Fire Messages from God.

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