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Sunday, October 22, 2006

My boyfriend's back!

Rick got home Friday evening. Happy me! He was gone for two weeks, and that was a little too long. OK - a lot too long. I missed my sweetie!
We have a "rule" in our family - the one who goes on vacation has to bring back presents. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive, but it has to be something. Look what he brought me... Rocks! Look closer... heart shaped rocks!!! He found them on a beach in Oregon. A beach covered with flat, smooth rocks, perfect skipping stones. He took his time and gathered only hearts shaped ones... That's a romantic guy in my book!So we're just enjoying a semi-quiet weekend at home. Lauren and her friend Kristi are here for a quick visit, and Lauren's Very Nice Boyfriend, Tyler dropped in for breakfast. (We love him. He does dishes, and he's good to Lauren.) The girls got here at a good time to help me catch up on a little work I've let slip while I was here alone. So much to do! But Kappas are great helpers, so I put them to work in the studio, sorting things out for me. All better now!
We'll have a little stretch of time to do nothing before our other daughter, Julia, her sweetie, Rick (another Rick - it's a little confusing!), and his son, Jake come over for dinner.

OK, so it's not a quiet weekend at all, but it's normal, and nice, and good to have all of us gathered together again. Sort of feels like Thanksgiving, but no pressure to cook Big Food, or to make it special... it's special all by itself.


Anonymous said...

I read most of last weeks blogs, as I don't check in every day. I had to laugh about the goats. Goats are such funny and sort of contrary critters. Your mom was gorgeous. So was mine, but I never made the simple transition that I might be look okay, being her daughter and all. A simple statement that my mom made had me looking in the mirror and seeing only ugly. I now realize I'm not, but I've never quite gotten over thinking I'm the ugly duckling.

I also had to smile about your sweetie being gone. When we had been married for 16 years I counted up the time my sweetie had to be gone working in various places--we were on the pipeline in Alaska at the time--and firgured he'd been gone for half that time. It is a diffiuclt way to have a marriage, but we've been almost 43 years now. I've also never thought I was aging particularly well or gracefully--whatever that means--but at 65 I'm surprised to be alive, enjoying each day and glad to wake up in the mornings because now my sweetie is home and life and artistic endeavors are just good. I've learned to be content with what is. Even summer, which is my least favorite time of the year. I love winter!

Fun to read your comments and wanted to tell you what they made me think of.

Anonymous said...

oh how sweet!!! the heart shaped rocks are really PRECIOUS!!!!! thoughtful guy!!!! enjoy your little reunion!!!! joyce c

Anonymous said...

Love the rocks from Rick - what a sweet guy. Reminds me of the time my Larry went Quail hunting and brought me back a little wild flower.

Glad that things are getting back to normal for you.

Beadily yours
aka Night Beader