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Monday, September 03, 2007

a nap on the beach

I haven't been sleeping well lately. In fact I've been awake since 4:00 this morning. The sky is getting light now, and I hear all the neighborhood roosters. OK... I'm up.
It's been this way all week, and I worry about the dangers of falling asleep at the torch. I also worry that I'll just make junk if I'm too tired to think. But sometimes sleep deprivation has interesting results. I think some kind of subconscious creativity surfaces when the conscious mind is too tired to stay in charge. Here's a peek at the latest round of exhaustion beads. They have all sorts of "stuff" in them - even bits of silver tiaras. They're the next extension of the Africa Beads, but with a turn toward the ocean. I've been yearning for a trip to the beach lately. These make me think of wandering along the sand, looking for treasures, and sometimes finding them. They're glass, and they're beachy, so maybe I'll call them simply "Beach Glass".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim ! I CANNOT BELIEVE no-one else has commented on these on your Blog !! They are TOTALLY GORGEOUS !!! I love them ! They remind me of the beach too, with the sun & sea making the sand sparkle, I want to buy one, soon !!! ...they're SO lovely !