Hold your hands out in front of you. Imagine a 100-dollar bill in each hand. Close your hands and hold on tight. No matter what, don't let go of those bills! Promise? OK! Now while you're holding on so tight, a breeze blows in, and a fluttering of leaves becomes a downpour of zillions of 100-dollar bills. But because you can't let go of the ones you have, there's no way to catch any of the fortune falling from the sky... See what I mean? Only by letting go do our hands become open to receive. It took me a long time to learn this. And now I live by it. Try it and see what happens. And it doesn't only apply to money. It's the same with smiles and hugs and compliments - the things we all have to pass around freely. You'll see!
My cousin, the fabulously talented painter/poet/writer, Mitzi Miles-Kubota, just sent me a link to Comic Relief 2006. Many of us aren't aware that the survivors of Hurricane Katrina are still struggling to find their way out of the horrible mess they were left with. After over a year, they still need help with the basics of everyday life. It's just wrong in a country like this. It's inexcusable. And we can help. Rick and I have causes all over the world that are important to us. Because we aren't wealthy philanthropists, we try to spread what we give around as effectively as we can. This month, it seems appropriate to help someone close to home. Thanksgiving is an all-American holiday, and a lot of people won't even be able to celebrate it. Anyone reading this is blessed in more ways than we can count, if only because we have access to a computer and electricity, and because we can read, and because we probably have something to eat on Thursday...
I hope you'll join me in Giving Thanks for what we have. Share a little, or a lot, and see how good it makes you feel! Open your hands and see what falls into them...

Yea! I agree. Our giving this month is close to home to, but we also give to World Wide funds where most of the money actually gets into hands that need it. We have so much to give in time and money and when we don't...Well you're right, it shouldn't be so in this country where we are so blessed.
Well today's my birthday, 37th anniversary of my 12th birthday, and I try to celebrate by teaching--yesterday I spent the day in a salmon stream watching salmon spawning with a classroom of Middle School students. Part of me does it for me--beautiful place, keeps my teaching chops up. But I really do it because I see the need for kids to have adults in their lives telling them they're important. No one can hear they're loved too often and it costs us nothing to say it. So I hope the 25 middle-schoolers know that adults think they're special-- they're worth it.
Hi Kim, I agree with all you're saying and I feel the same way. I have to shell out a lot of money on beads, but if I didn't, I couldn't make my creations that others like so much, and that they can then purchase. It does take a while, but its worth it, because you and me and others like us are giving joy to others !
Happy Thanksgiving to you ! Michelle x
I really totally 100% agree with what you said about giving to others. I totally believe in that. I can’t tell you how fortunate I have been in my lifetime. I have had some horrible woes but I always landed on my feet. I’ll never forget the time I went to go play bingo with my friends and there was a gentleman standing on the side of the street holding a sign that said “I will work for food.” I told my friends/family that if the light turned red and we had to stop I was going to give that man 20 bucks. Well, the light turned red… I rolled down the window and gave the man 20 bucks. That night, I won $1500.00. My family/friends were like… WHAT ARE YOU DOING when I handed that man some money…what he did with it, I have no clue; however, I had a very good feeling in my soul and it felt GOOD to give something to someone. The past 2 days I have been making red/black spacer beads and I have made at least 40 zipper pulls for our local M.A.D.D. chapter to sell at their booth at the craft fair. Every zipper pull I put together really made me feel good. I hope that they sell every one of them as it is a total profit for their organization and it is definitely for a good cause. I donated a lot of items to local places this last month and it was so much fun!
Sandra Quiring
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